How do you respect your future self? Let that sink in. What does it truly look like to respect your future self? I was listening to the podcast Happier and I had a sort of NPR driveway moment. Except that I was on my laptop and eating a snack. Anyway, I stopped chewing for 30 seconds which is probably even bigger than the ultimate driveway moment. Gretchen was talking about the concept of how to respect your future self enough to do something to make it happy. Her example was even though it’s a pain to sometimes get the coffee ready the night before, she does it because her future self is so happy when she wakes up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee in the morning.

Now, I despise coffee, but the concept of respecting your future self enough to do something intentionally to make it happy really stood out to me. I frequently joke about past Alissa was looking out for future Alissa, but it’s always been in a joke-y way. However, after hearing the podcast, I started thinking about what are the incredibly tiny things that truly make me happy.
I realized that one of the happiest moments I have is when I wake up knowing that I took care of my skin the night before. Now to some this is not a huge feat, but to me, someone who often fell asleep with her mascara on, it’s a huge deal. Taking the five minutes the night before to do my 10-step k-skincare.
As our conversation about self-care this year continues to grow and touch on deeper points of this movement, this has been a turning point for me. Yes, it is the superficial “feel good” beauty part of self-care that is popular, but it’s more than that. It’s an act of saying I respect my future self enough to do something for myself. That is huge for me. For someone who continually harps on the worst habits and self-sabotages, the idea that I am worth pro-actively thinking about is very hard to grasp.

Beyond corny, I can’t believe I’m going to say this. I have the hardest time saying the following words out loud, using my real voice. “I am worthy of honoring myself. And doing something for myself that I know is good for myself.” The next weekend I went to a hot yoga class and the ending meditation was almost verbatim this. Coincidence? I think not.
So now I’m flipping it. Read it, repeat it, say it out loud. You are worthy of honoring your future self. You are worthy of doing something good that will benefit you and your future being. Just as I am. Just as we all are. You have inherent value.
So what is the the one thing you can do for yourself to respect your future self? Even if it’s just a tiny thing, how are you going to practice this and begin respecting yourself? I can’t wait to hear. You’re worthy of respect and kindness.
I love this post and how gorgeous is that dress.
I respect my future self by exercising, eating my vegetables, saving my money, give myself a break, reading and so on.
Meg @ Closet Fashionista
Well when I used to go into an office I would pick out my outfit the night before so I wouldn’t have to think in the morning. Not sure if I really do anything now that helps future me, haha…I’ve become so lazy. Should probably change that.
This couldn’t be more true! I absolutely love what you wrote, my friend! I also love doing my skincare routine and giving my skin what it needs before bed!
The Champagne Edit
I love this whole post – the “stopped chewing” bit, the NPR driveway moment bit, the concept behind it, everything. For me, I have been and am going to continue working on clear communication/STOP AVOIDING CONFLICT if it’s necessary conflict for the health of a relationship. I KNOW that future Rachel is going to be all kinds of happy that I went through the discomfort of doing these things now! Thanks for inspiring me! (Also, you’re radiant)
Yael @ Nosherium
I totally get this. Whenever I do meal prep or cleaning ahead of time I’m doing it for Future Me. And when it comes time for me to make use of that preparation, I thank Past Me.
That dress is so lovely, btw.
Ahhh I love this post! And why are you so gorg?! This dress is just stunning on you!
<3 Shannon
Upbeat Soles
Lanae Bond
This reminds me of how are decisions impact our future. I think that it is why I am learning to rest and relax. I learned in the past the lack of rest I was receiving impacted by health. Now I am doing and feeling a lot better because I am making better decisions. Thank you for this post!
I love the idea of doing something for your future self. Because so often we want to only think about our present selves. Our present selves who don’t want to write cover letters, but our future selves might really like the opportunity to have a new job.
Chic on the Cheap