“There are many things that we would throw away if we were not afraid that others might pick them up.”
― Oscar Wilde

Can we be honest? Like really, really honest? How many times have you (I) kept something close to us that really wasn’t of value other than the fact that WE had it and not another person? I’ve done it more than I want to admit. Sometimes things have no value to me until the thought that someone else could have it makes it valuable. Isn’t that just terrible? And yet I think we all do it? I had never thought about it until I was listening to this podcast episode and I listened to it 5x, no joke.
I started listening to my inner dialog a lot more after this. Guess what? I noticed the way I thought simple things in this light. While at TJ Maxx there was a top that I liked, but I wasn’t sure about. This thought went through my head as I walked through the store, “Hmm, well if I don’t get it, someone else and then I’ll want it.” Then I went home and found FOUR items in my house that I had gotten because I just couldn’t STAND to be the person who didn’t have it. FOUR items. Sure, some of them I actually really do love, but that’s FOUR items I placed more value on because I didn’t want someone else to own it.

When it comes to something minor like objects, eh, I think we all excuse not letting go. But our careers? Right now I’m having a very humbling talk with myself. I need to value my own career over chasing what I don’t want others to have. How incredibly selfish is that? I’m actively truing to pursue things that aren’t for me because I’d rather have that for myself than someone else who might be good at it. *Excuse me while I hide my face.*
But seriously! Typing that out has even forced me to admit even more to myself that I am holding on to. What would I give up if I wasn’t afraid to have someone else succeed? How could I have an even better life?
I love Gretchen’s incredible way to sum up this struggle.
“The problem is, because of this phenomenon, we sometimes do things that we don’t want to do, just because we don’t want to see others do them. There are many things we would throw away if we were not afraid that others might pick them up.”
I don’t want that dress, but I don’t want someone else to have it. Maybe I don’t want that job but I’m not about to let someone else have it. I don’t want (insert whatever) but I don’t want THAT person to have it.
I’m clinging to this concept of letting go and not being afraid in the coming months. If something is right for you to throw away, throw it away, even if it means someone else picking it up. I’m excited start letting go of what I know I’ve been holding onto because I don’t want to let go of. All because of a two minute podcast. Life is crazy sometimes.
how amazing are these photos and you look stunning. I love Gretchen’s podcasts, I’ve listened to a few episodes, I need to check that one out.
I think I know just what you mean. Why is it that we want things more only when we think of other people having them? I can’t tell you how bereft I’ve felt after losing an ebay auction for some vintage item, and for what? Chances are my life with that item would not be any different than my life without it.
Chic on the Cheap
This is an interesting concept, and definitely some food for thought! I’m not sure I’ve ever recognized my thinking in this way, but I’m sure I’m guilty of it like other people!
This is a super interesting perspective, Alissa! I definitely struggle with this as well now that I think about it. Sometimes it’s really beneficial to take a step back and just have a chat with yourself about the things that really matter….and how silly you are for feeling certain ways sometimes!
The Champagne Edit