You guys I have to tell you something. I have crippling anxiety in my life. Specifically about one thing, math. It’s not just the “Oh, I suck at math and get nervous” type of anxiety, it is the I get so worried and anxious about math that I genuinely think that 2+2=6. I can’t explain this paralyzing fear, I have panic attacks from it. I will plug numbers into equations exactly like teachers do and they come out differently. I’ve had this issue since I was a teenager but in college it’s become a monster. If I make it through 3 homework math problems without crying it is a victory. In fact it’s such a victory that Andrew gives me a high fives and gets genuinely excited for me.
I’ve had counseling about this issue, I’ve met with math department leaders so see what they can do. They are all stumped. I’ve considered changing my major to one that I hate just so I could get out of math. I’m not talking about hard math here either, I’m talking about math I should have known back in 8th grade but it hasn’t stuck. It’s embarrassing and truly even hard for me to talk about. Even simple math like figuring out what 40% off a price is makes me panic and I will spend 5 minutes in an aisle trying to keep it together and just guess what the price will be. I hide my math homework from my boyfriend (finance and accounting major) so he doesn’t see how much I struggle. I genuinely mean it when I say that 2+2=6 at that moment I am so panicked that I think it’s true.
I am a junior in college and still stuck on concepts my nieces and nephews already have memorized. Part of what is making this worse is how badly I have tried to hide this from people. I never want people to know I’ve struggled this badly and am this ashamed plus who wants to admit they think 2+2=6? I’m saying all this because I have to go through steps to becoming better about this and not being ashamed of my issues with math need to go. I did the same problem 14 times today and never got the right answer. This made me start a chain of self defeating talk and worst cast scenario’s played in my mind. This is what every day when any type of math comes up, this is what happens. My brain shuts down, I get sweaty, I shake a little and I try and come up with an answer really quickly, even if it’s wrong.
Today I have taken a large step in acknowledging where I am and can now try and move forward. I’m a pretty happy person but this is a large, dark cloud in my life. It makes me lie awake at night wondering if I am good enough, will I pass this class, etc. I can only pull myself up and take it one day at a time.
Don't worry, just take a deep breath, think it through and you'll get through it. No one said you had to get an A to be an success, just try your best!
This is a pretty refreshing post my dear….a welcome break so to speak!! More power!!!
Always Maylee
Math is not for everyone… and that's what calculators are for. I stand in aisles with my phone trying to figure what the price of something will be after a bunch of discounts. If anyone asks, I'm texting. 🙂
Don't worry, you'll be ok!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Alissa, I can totally relate. If someone asks me a math question on the spot, I inevitably panic and can't figure out the answer and then give the wrong answer, even simple stuff! And it's embarrassing! But what can you do (besides bring your smart boyfriend around and make him do all the math in your life?). Calculating things in my head is impossible, and math is not my thing either. But you know what? You're talented in art and writing and other things (fashion) that make mathematicians nervous to do. So don't loose heart!
perfectly priya
Dress Up Files
Aw hang in there! I get real nervous when I'm w a bunch of friends and the check comes at a restaurant and I have to calculate how much people owe!
Coffee and Cardigans
I seriously loved reading this, Alissa. And I really admire you for tackling a subject like Math despite everything. It's inspiring. You most definitely are good enough, capable, intelligent, able to tackle this class and anything else that comes your way. Have a wonderful weekend, lady!
The Fashionable ESQ
It will get better!I've never been good at math – ever. Like you said, it just doesn't stick. I can't have someone watching me if I am doing math, either…like paying a bill or calculating something else..if someone is watching me do it, it wont happen! hate it!
The Fashionable ESQ
Not a lot of people can come to terms with their weaknesses, Alissa. Thumbs up for you! You are stronger and a better person because of this. You will conquer it!
Have a great weekend!!
Jeans and a Teacup
Aww…hang in there! Math sucks! The good thing is you don't really need math once you are out of school and there are calculators, smart phones and boyfriends for the little stuff!
I think there are different things that everyone struggles with that don't make sense to them. I was a music performance major…but I have really bad stage fright. I can play something perfectly by myself but once I get on stage I forget the simple things…like how to read music! My fingers get confused and I mess up on things I've never messed up before. Not to mention I start shaking and sweating and can't breath. This is really frustrating for me since I love to play but this performance anxiety really holds me back.
So don't give up! You're not alone 🙂
Maya Lorraine
You are not alone! Anytime anyone asks me a math questions I shrivle up! Just remember that you always know much more than you think you do and you'll be fine. Plus, once you're done with school – you can avoid math like the plague and get away with it!
Hang in there!
Right there with ya. I was awful at math. Just terrible. And I think my anxiety about test-taking made it worse!