Okay well somehow we are here at the end of June. In short, I am hot, miserable and very much hating everyone who talks about how great the heat is. How do I get the long days of summer in like, the middle of fall? I hate the boob, butt, thigh, and general life sweat so much. Anyway, so that’s how it’s going over here in Wichita, Kansas. If you missed the last couple of month’s recaps, you can read May, April and March.
Let’s get down to business of what I loved this month. But first…
A Very Personal Ask
My best friend and her husband are patiently awaiting a call from their attorney saying a birth mom has selected them. It’s been months and while she is the epitome of this post about time, I would very publicly like to ask if anyone knows of someone who is considering adoption, please email me. Sarah and Josh are two incredible people who are going to be amazing parents to the baby given to them. Please reach out if you know of someone and they would like to meet Josh and Sarah.
I worked on the adoption book for Josh and Sarah and I just want to also know that I didn’t somehow bomb the responsibility of that so please join me in hoping for a call soon!
Anyway, back to business as usual now!

Life in General
I don’t know why but I just haven’t been in my groove this week. I’m wondering if it’s because I returned from a trip on a Monday and so my entire week has been off. Whatever it is I would LOVE to get over it so I am hoping the weekend is a nice reset. I’m going to be second shooting a wedding and then determined to make Sunday a day of REST.
I’ve learned that if I don’t do blog posts on the weekend then they are never getting done. For some reason I am just not in the right headspace for them and I don’t have enough time. I have so much content I want to crank out in July and August so I’m very excited that I’m actually motivated AND feel creative. I’m a big advocate in not forcing it if you’re not feeling “it,” whatever that is. So if I’m not feeling the creative drive, I just give myself a break and I try again when I do.
At the beginning of June I was SUPER motivated and got most of the month’s content done in a weekend. That was probably a once-in-a-lifetime moment for me.
Beauty & Style
I am always looking for a good green top and this amazing gem with an open back grabbed me. I love wearing it with a LINED lacy bra so it peeks out. It makes me feel very edgy. Safe, but edgy. It’s now on sale for $12!
Also I buy about one dress a year at Anthro but man, this dress has me re-thinking my refusal to shop there. The pictures do NOT do it justice. I love, love, love this dress and it’s so comfortable and cool. Maeve is actually one of my favorite brands from there so I tend to instantly look for it when I walk in the store.
I realllyyyyy want this polka dot dress. It’s been MONTHS since I’ve bought anything with polka dots. That’s a sign I need something, right?
Once again I am buying more of these sheet masks by Dr. Jart. While I buy most of my skincare at Soko Glam, these are totally on constant re-order from Amazon.
Have I ever mentioned how much I despise summer TV?! I am currently struggling to find anything that I TRULY like but here are some of my “better” options I’ve enjoyed.
The Staircase – Pretty much if you have listened to a true-crime podcast you are aware of this documentary. I’m very annoyed that I don’t know how I feel about it! Like I see that he could have done it and I utterly think that the eagle theory is stupid BUTTTTTTTTT I also can seen it not happening? Anyway, let me know how you feel about it!
Golden Girls – I refuse to finish the last episode because I don’t want it to be over. I’ve also been listening to the Out on the Lanai podcast along with each episode and I just love knowing more background on it. Warning: it is utter Golden Girls nerdom but I LOVE it. The ladies on the show are absolutely amazing.

As you guys know, I am UBER picky about my podcasts and I often just re-listen to old ones instead of new ones. However, there’s one that I got hooked on and binged all in one day.
The Wunderland Murders – This was fascinating and not really gory. In fact, it was pretty light on the murder and instead focuses on the events pre and post-murder. It’s by the same team that did Dirty John which was one of my favorite podcasts to find in 2018.
The Pitch – Super smart, like a non-gimmicky Shark Tank and often features a lot of the products I am targeted on Facebook for. I love hearing about the story behind things and also when the investors are just like this is dumb but also you’re smart so it’s a wash. The investors are amazing and so much better than Shark Tank. Can you tell I am over Shark Tank?

Blogger Spotlight
Karly has always been one of my favorites. I love her latest posts about her worst habits! I love her candor and honesty in all of her posts whether it’s about mental health, body image or anything else. Plus if you love book reviews, Karly is yo girl. If there’s any chance that I am going to either listen to a book or read, I immediately check her blog to see if she has reviewed if. If she hasn’t, I assume it’s not worth my time.
That’s all for June! I’m excited to see what happens in July and curious to see what I’m going to love. Summer kind of makes me just repeatedly want the same things so not a lot of exciting things happen. I’ll try to make it more exciting for you, I promise.
Get the polka dots, girlfriend. Like Elle Woods says, don’t stray from your signature color. Or in this case, signature print.
Please please please listen to Call Your Girlfriend to inspire you for our long distance bestie podcast thank you for your cooperation.
Yael @ Nosherium
Love this round-up post, it’s always lovely to see your content (and smiling face!) in my feed. With regard to the Maeve dress, it’s so beautiful and versatile! I set a ThredUp alert for my favorite brands and snagged a few great deals. I disabled the alerts after I filled out my wardrobe.
I don’t know if you’re a Nordstrom lover, but I feel like you might like their new in-house brand 1901 – lots of pretty pieces in mostly natural fibers!
2 things – Get the polka dots. And that green top is so good.
I wasn’t sure about that dress in the solid, but in the polka dots, it’s so cute! Anthro is always too expensive, I say wait for a sale 😉
I hope your friends get a call soon, I’ll keep my fingers crossed, and I’m sure you did a wonderful job on their book.
Courtney Hardy
Sounds like a lot of fun!! I hope you have a wonderful July.
Dana Mannarino
Omg that Anthro dress. SO GOOD. I love that it comes in a few colors too! Also I think I’m going to get the Dr. Jart sheet masks.
PS: I know what you mean about Target (from your FB chat), but I just found THE best white midi dress and slip on shoes there, so they’re back in my good graces for the time being;)
The Champagne Edit
I have to definitely check out “The staircase”. I’ve heard about it before, but never really got to watching, and now, since I’m on holidays and the weather is terrible, I might as well try. Also, I’ve never really listened to podcasts, but I heard some are really great.
Ps. I hate sweating and the worst is when I stand up from sitting and my breasts are just flooded! Jesus, I really have to try out some diet.
Ps2. I checked out your instagram too, and the pictures are great.
Awe thanks for the love, girlfriend! Best way to start my Saturday morning. Seriously, you know how much your support means to me.
Anyway, I say hell yes to the polka dots. We finished The Staircase last night – I’m team he didn’t do it, and now I’m obsessed with this whole owl theory. I mean, it’s possible right? Also with you on not forcing things when I’m not feeling it – I think blogging/anything is better with that attitude.
I’ll be keeping your friends in my thoughts and prayers – I hope that they hear something soon!
Hi Alyssa,
Somewhere in the archives, you had a post about grow lights for plants. For the life of me, I can’t find it. Am I misremembering? (I was hoping to find that you’d linked to a specific light that you’d bought and recommended.) Thanks!!