I’ve been blogging for almost 5 years. It started out as my place to document where I was in college so I could look back and see where I had come from. I never expected to be here, five years later, and be able to look at some of the most tumultuous, thrilling, sad, heartbreaking and exciting years of my life. The premise of this blog has always been my story + outfits. It’s been that way since the beginning and I found comfort in that formula.
I realized though, that most of you guys aren’t necessarily here for the outfits, the details of what I am wearing, etc. You’re here for the story. You’re here to read the words that I write and share personal details of my life. Depression, weight gain, venting, all of that and more. You’re here for me. In a weird way, I didn’t want to recognize that because I felt so much pressure that if you were here to read my story, I would let you down. I’ve been struggling with that realization this year, which is why I’ve been so inconsistent about posting. I’ve been worried that if I didn’t post what I thought other people wanted to read, I would lose you.
So much of my life has been wrapped up in the identity of “blogger”. It’s helped define me when I had no idea who I was, but I could and can always say I am a blogger. I want to continue to be a blogger, but also show that I am growing. I feel so stifled by saying, “I’m a style blogger.” I want to be so much more than that. Life isn’t one-sided and neither am I.
I’m 25 years old, not 20. I know who I am and I know what I want to talk about. I want to not be surface-y, I want to talk about money, relationships, pain, happiness and why I love life. I don’t need to present my story with an outfit. You all have trusted me, read daily and supported me for years. You deserve to know who I am outside of what I am wearing. My guess that you have also been bored with what I am wearing because you know there is more to what is happening than just clothing.
In 2017 you are going to see much more of who I am. After a horrible 2015, I spent much of 2016 being cautious and guarded, afraid that the happiness I have been experiencing would go away if I said anything. I had to find my footing again before I could feel like I had anything to add to what was already being said by others. Being able to share things like my home, home decor and other things that weren’t as “outfit” inspired were well received by all of you and it made me feel that I am still in my safe space of sharing my life with you all.
I feel a sense of relief writing all of these words. I feel like in a sense I’m telling hey, you’ve known past Alissa, but you don’t know current Alissa. I’m biased, but I am pretty excited for you to know who I really am and share what has shaped me into who I am. Yes, that involves pain, sadness, happiness and also some of the greatest people I have ever known. I’m emotional writing this because I’ve felt this nagging feeling for months that I need to say what’s happening. Maybe I can help someone else. At the very least, someone else can know they aren’t alone. Because if I have learned nothing else from blogging, I have learned that sometimes you just need to be the one to say something hard and from that you realize there’s a whole world of people saying the same thing, but sometimes they need another voice to say what they are feeling before they have the courage for themselves.
The original purpose of being able to look back at where I came from has never left this blog. However, the story of who I am has changed and I need to be able to look back and see who I am at 25 just as much as I needed to look back at myself in college.
Thank you for letting me have a safe space that I share with you. Thank you for supporting who I am, even when you didn’t know you were.
2017 is going to be rad.
i’ m so excited to read more of you in 2017.
I’m glad to read this post, because I am one who has been a bit confused about what’s happening in your life this last year. Obviously you are allowed privacy, but there just seemed to me things in the “background” that weren’t being said, and which were affecting your recent posts (or lack thereof).
I look forward to more. Fashion is fab, but there’s no reason not to share more, when you want! Always happy to read whatever you write!
What a beautiful post! I can’t wait to see more from you and the blog in 2017! Happy New Year, Alissa!
By Lauren M
You are such a talented writer and I give you so much credit for sharing your personal story on the blog, that takes much courage and your certainly have the talent to do so! Excited for your posts this coming year and as always you are looking so pretty and put together! Have a very Happy New Year girly!
Although I have always enjoyed your outfits, that has never been the reason I love your blog. It was what you were thinking that interested me way more than what you were wearing :-). This new chapter in your blogging life is going to be so exciting- for us and for you!! Proud of you for swinging for the fence- go get ’em, girl!!!
At the end of the day, a blog is your very own space on the internet so I really think that you should make your blog what you want it to be and if you feel a little hemmed in by only blogging about fashion, go for it and blog about all the other topics that interest you as well! But just remember that you should never feel the pressure to show ALL of you on your blog if you do not want to. We do not share ALL of ourselves with everyone and a blog is no different – just because we may keep certain things private doesn’t make us fake or liars. That being said, I do think that branching out and covering a multitude of topics that are of interest to you sounds like a great idea! Cannot wait to see what 2017 has in store for both you and your blog!
Rae | Love from Berlin
Dolce Nina
Beautiful dress! xoxo
Good for you for getting out there and being willing to share more of yourself. Looking forward to more in 2017, and FYI you look amazing!
xo, Whitney and Blaire
Peaches In A Pod
Amy Arnold
Excited to see what you have to share with us in 2017!
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
Melissa @ Loving Life Moore
I’m so looking forward to reading more in 2017! Blogging is such a personal endeavor, and you seem like such a beautiful soul…can’t wait to learn more about you!
So proud of you, girlfriend! You continue doing you, and people will continue to love you even more!
Alissa K
Girl you are an inspiration and beautiful soul. Can’t wait to read your blog in 2017!!!
It takes courage to share your story and I can’t wait to know yours better. Cheers to a new year!
I need to be able to turn the page dangit! I misunderstood and thought we were going to find out a little bit about you! Ah well, know I’ll keep comingback. You ARE such a gifted writer there is no douht. But for me I love looking at your beautiful face & seeimg what you’re wearing while I read. It makes me feel more connected to you, like I can see you laughing after a joke or if the tone gets more serious I can see your posture change as you tip your head down to respond to my comment. So bring it on, let the cat outta the bag so to speak, spill those beans & get on with your story. I’m all ears beautiful girl! Luv you
I have been following your blog for the past few months, and I absolutely love the way you share your life and feelings!
I can’t wait to see your posts in the new year.
Hey girl, I totally feel you – the internet always seems to be all sunshine and butterflies when that’s not what real life is. I’m interested to see where 2017 takes you!
Kristina does the Internets
Just wanted to say that although it was your infectious smile and creative outfits that first caught my eye, I continue to read your blog because I want to follow your story! I stumbled across your blog a couple of years ago–I think you were in undergrad then, and I was really rooting for you with the math classes. (I had just finished undergrad so perhaps I felt like a big sister, I don’t know!) After that, I found myself coming back to your blog every month or so to check in on how you were doing, because you really got me to care with your writing. I don’t read a lot of blogs–and never comment!–but I thought I’d come out of the shadows to say that I’d love to read more of your writing that’s not “surface-y” as you put it, where you’re not worried about what readers are expecting, and sort of just unfold your beautiful thoughts / emotions/ ideas as they develop in this new period of your life, whatever you’re willing to share. Best wishes for the New Year—I’m excited as to what it holds for you!
Priya Pappu
I usually start reading blogs because I’m drawn by a certain post or outfit, but honestly I stay once I get to know the blogger and “get involved” in their life. 100% YES share more about you, I would love it! I can totally relate to what you’re saying here though, I think every blogger struggles with finding a balance between being honest and oversharing about real life. It was hard for me to find that balance this past year. But I think it’s so so important to continue writing what you WANT to share and what comes naturally to you, that way blogging doesn’t become a chore! Can’t wait to follow along in 2017 with you, beautiful!
Preach it girl! I always love how inspiring your posts are and I now 2017 is going to be super rad for you! Also can you be anymore babicious in these pics?!
<3 Shannon
Upbeat Soles
I can’t wait to see what’s in store for 2017. I always enjoy your writing so I’m excited to see more from you!
New year brings new beginnings! Break those walls down girlie, you totally got this!!
Flaunt and Center
I can’t wait to see what 2017 brings. Crossing my fingers and toes for a good one.
I love this post! I always find myself holding back with blogging for fear I will be judged or someone reading may be offended. I can’t wait to see what 2017 has in store.
xx, Elise
So glad to hear you will be working more of “you” content. I am so looking forward to see your posts in 2017!
So nice to meet you Alissa. You sound like a pretty awesome person!
Katie | WillowAndWhiteBlog.com
Can’t wait to see what you write about in 2017.
Loving this very real post babe. Such a big realization to recognize what you did but I definitely think people appreciate the real. I feel that my blog is slowly evolving into more of that now too and I’m going to embrace it! WIshing you a very Happy New Year!
xoxo Rina
I love this and I think it is wonderful!!! We all evolve and grow. We are hear for YOU, not just your outfits (however, you do always look adorable). After a horrible 2016, I have found my blogging perspective has changed as well. I am just doing what feels good and not worrying about the rest. That is all I can do, and all you should do. You do you.
Can;t wait to read more in the coming year and learning more about you! Love that dress on you by the way. Just fabulous!
Cheers to the new year! I’m excited to see what the new year brings for your blog!
You are amazing and absolutely beautiful! Wonderful blogpost! =)
– Cielo
Mermaid in Heels
Kimi, Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair
Love this & can’t wait to see where the new year brings you and your blog, lady!
This post makes me so happy and I cannot wait to see what 2017 has in store for you! You are such a shining light on my Instagram feed with your body positivity and gorgeous outfits, but I’m looking forward to getting to know you even more on a personal level via your blog.
I’ve always loved hearing your stories, they are funny, and real and I love that you don’t pretend everything is perfect all the time. I love your confidence, it radiates and makes you even more beautiful than you already are. Happy New Year Alissa, I hope it’s a great one!!
can’t wait to read more this year! and love the dress, you look great!
So awesome to follow your heart and create the blog YOU want to write- well done, lady!
Le Stylo Rouge
I’m so excited to get to know the 25 year old Alissa. I have followed you for awhile but have not been there since the beginning. Out of all the blogs I read though, yours is one that I actually READ. You know what I mean? I want to do the same on my blog as well because I have been blogging about beauty and my style since 2009, when I was 24 and in college. Well now I’m 32! So I understand your desire and I can’t wait to share in your stories
Sara Strauss
I love this! I definitely come to your blog for a mix of cute clothes and sassy Alissa! Your stories are hilarious and real and down to earth!
So glad you stopped by && I’m glad I stopped by as well
Can’t wait to see where 2017 brings you and blogging!
xo, Jessica || The Petite Diaries
head to toe chic
I definitely love your stories! Can’t wait to see what you share in 2017!
YAY! I love all the Alyssa’s, but I’m so happy you’re going into 2017 being so happy about being your ungaurded, strong, kick-ass self we all know and love. Here’s to this year being the best yet! xx
Closet Fashionista
Happy New Year!!! I’m excited to see where 2017 brings you! I’ve always loved reading your posts, and that’s saying something because I don’t usually like to read long blog posts. ;
You are absolutely one of my favorite bloggers for MANY reasons – but I definitely keep coming back for the style and your personality! I can’t wait for even more of it this year
And hello! Look at you in that little black dress, ow ow!
As you know besides your awesome outfits, your gorgeous curls and your vibrant smile, I come here to read what you write because you always make me smile and laugh with words and that is a gift that not everyone has. I hope you continue to be a “blogger” and continue to tell your story because it comes from an amazing young woman who is constantly growing and becoming her own. Also, you couldn’t have picked better photos for this particular post. That LBD is stunning on you coming or going. I am in love with that first photo. Cheers to a wonderful, healthy, joyful and of course very stylish 2017, Alissa. It will be rad, indeed!
P.S. Welcome by Thursdays and linkup your latest with me, pretty lady!
Hugs <3 Ada.